Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pre-caffeine Ranting

I know I've complained that the Visa debit card commercials are full of crap. I still think it takes less time to hand cash than to use a card (most of the time - assuming the teller can count).

I should amend my claim though. There's no choice between a debit card and writing a check. I was just at Starbucks and the lady in front of me ordered a slew of things then wrote a check. Good lord I thought I was going to die.

The staff took care of the 5 people waiting in line behind her in the time it took her to write the damned thing. Just to write it mind you, that's not including the hours it took for her to order. That was a whole other stress-filled moment of waiting.

Can you tell I was waiting for my first cup of the day?

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